« Le Monde » et le site SupTracker publient un bilan sur l’influence des enseignements de spécialité créés par la réforme du lycée sur les propositions d’admission dans l’enseignement supérieur, alors que débute, mercredi 15 janvier, la période des vœux d’inscription. Panacher disciplines scientifiques et littéraires ou artistiques ne se révèle pas un pari gagnant, à l’inverse du duo maths - physique-chimie.
This article analyzes the impact of the new baccalaureate specializations on admission rates to higher education in France through the Parcoursup platform.
The main idea is that certain specialization choices significantly impact a student's chances of getting accepted into their desired program.
The article highlights the specialization "maths - physique-chimie," which boasts the highest admission rate (0.9% without offers), while "arts - numérique et sciences informatiques" shows the lowest (10.5% without offers). This demonstrates a clear link between subject combinations and admission success in the new system.
The analysis is based on data from Parcoursup and SupTracker, an online tool providing insights into university admissions.
This article analyzes the impact of the new baccalaureate specializations on admission rates to higher education in France through the Parcoursup platform. The main idea is that certain specialization choices significantly impact a student's chances of getting accepted into their desired program. The article highlights the specialization "maths - physique-chimie," which boasts the highest admission rate (0.9% without offers), while "arts - numérique et sciences informatiques" shows the lowest (10.5% without offers). This demonstrates a clear link between subject combinations and admission success in the new system. The analysis is based on data from Parcoursup and SupTracker, an online tool providing insights into university admissions.